Wednesday, 22 August 2012

How to transfer contacts from Nokia(symbian) to Samsung(android)

Follow the steps below

In Nokia Phone
  1. Press ‘Contact’, Options -> Mark/Unmark -> Mark All
  2. Options -> Copy -> To Memory Card
  3. It may display ‘Remove existing contacts from memory card?’, press ‘Yes’
  4. All your contacts will save in your sdcard, by (contact-name.vcf) files.
  5. Plugin the USB cable, it will detect by PC, and choose Mass Storage.
  6. You will see a lot of .vcf files in /sdcard/Other/Contact/
  7. Copy all .vcf files to one of the folder in your hard disk.
The following is instruction for Android Phone.

In Adnroid Phone
  1. Plugin your Android phone, and mount as USB storage.
  2. Copy all .vcf files to your sdcard root directory.
  3. Disable the USB storage and unplug the cable.
  4. Main Menu -> Contacts -> Menu -> Import/Export -> Import from SD card -> Phone-Only
  5. It will search for all .vcf files, Select ‘Import all VCard files’
All your contacts will be available in phone.

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