Friday, 9 November 2012

Mobile traffic: Data vs Voice

Courtesy : Erricson Report
Data traffic doubled over one year
The total monthly
traffic split for voice and data. It
depicts a stable trend of traffic growth
with some seasonal variations.
However, there are large differences
in traffic levels between markets,
regions and operators due to differing
customer profiles.
Mobile data surpassed voice in Q4
2009 and was double that of voice for
the first time in Q1 2011. Data traffic
grew by 100 percent between Q2
2010 and Q2 2011. The comparatively
smaller quarterly growth of 8 percent
between Q1 and Q2 2011 is likely to
be related to seasonal variations in
traffic levels, similar to those
observed in the past.
Mobile voice traffic has doubled
over the last four years and continues
to grow at a steady rate. The growth
is especially high in regions with a
strong increase in subscriptions,
such as developing nations in Asia.
These measurements have been
performed by Ericsson over several
years using a large base of live
networks that together cover all
regions of the world. They form a
representative base for calculating
world total traffic in mobile networks
(not including DVB-H, WiFi, and
Mobile WiMax).
MOBiLE pC daTa
The mobile PC data
traffic produced by the
average subscription per
month varies. The overall
trend is positive and
average usage is now
between 1-2GB on the
networks measured.

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